The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)
Pen and computer
Illustration for the local San Francisco courier company TCB. Made into shirts.
Available for sale at TCB Courier Store
Sinking Cities
A deviation from my normal style, an illustration of the prompt "commuting" for the art magazine Sinking Cities.
Bike Polo Shirts
Illustrations for various teams the aggressive sport bike polo, including "The Pack" and "The Honey Badgers". Some of the more fun illustrations, getting these commissions gets me all giddy.
Alley Cat Fliers
Pen, Marker, & Digital
Ever seen Line of Sight? Illustrations for alleycat bike races.
Thank You Card 2012
Pen, Marker, & Digital
A thank you card drawn and sent to those who donated to my charity for SafeStreets, a New York Department of Transportation chapter which works with bicyclists and motorists to create safer streets.