The media are not toys… they can be entrusted only to new artists, because they are art forms.
(McLuhan, 1954)
Projection Reel: Serena Rio from Serena Rio on Vimeo.
Examples of the projection work I have been doing for:
- Bands/Shows
- Clubs/Parties
- Special Events
Included in the video:
Peace Arrow, a Brooklyn Band
WestWay, club in Manhattan, New York
& NY skateshop KCDC's weekly event Skatenite. In particular a Rockaway Benefit event for Hurricane Sandy victims.
Stand Alone Complex
Projection Installation
MaxMSP, Processing, Microsoft Kinect360 & Silk-Chiffon Sheets
Stand Alone is a interactive projection installation which intends to explore the darker facets of social communities. As a regurgitation of my own scarring wheelchair experience, I intend to play with the all too real concept of ostracization and to some degree, social bullying. A commonly shared experience, the project will force the user into a situation of mockery and humiliation, relying on each individual's personal ordeals in order to elicit visceral reactions.
User Case
User A, we’ll call him Steve for the sake of easy identification, enters into the installation space. Here he will look upon 3 staggered sheets of hanging fabric, with rear-projections of silhouetted attendees at a party. Chatter amongst the guest is audible. Upon crossing into an invisible boundary within the room, the chatter abruptly stops and all occupants stop and turn towards Steve. After a few drawn out seconds, whispers begin, which escalates into laughter and more audible degrading words. This eventually reaches a loud crescendo, until Steve flees embarrassed and upset from the room.
Diagrams of installation construction.
Logic Pro
Final Cut
Microsoft Xbox 360 Kinect
Silk-Chiffon fabric
LG 3D Blu-ray Home Theater System
Optoma Home Theater Searies HD66
InFocus IN2114 XGA
Proxima C445 XGA
Artistic Influences
Taku DJ
Dead Mau5
Daft Punk
Kanye West
Of Montreal
Pink Floyd
Pika Pika (Interactive sound performance via costume)
Gregory Kaufman
Johnny Lee
Mortal Engine
Ms. Pinky
Harvest Works
Composing Interactive Music: Techniques and Ideas Using Max by Todd Winkler
Handmade Electronic Music: The Art of Hardware Hacking by Nicolas Collins
The Computer Music Tutorial by Curtis Roads
Projection Installation
You from Serena Rio on Vimeo.
MaxMSP, Kinect 360, Optoma HD66 Projector
The kinect and projections installation is an addendum to my current fascination with the complex and negative interactions of society and humanity. In You, I explore personal perceptions and self-esteem, along with the intricate effects of laughter. Laughter is a powerful beast, and unlike it’s sincere complimentary cousin Crying, Laughter has the potential to be subtle and tortuous. In genuineness, it portrays joy, happiness, humor and approval. However it can also signify mockery, embarrassment, fear, and uncomfortability. Some even laugh when they're in pain, and laughter can spread like an airborne infection. With such a large spectrum of definitions, laughter can, and is, often “lost in translation”.
Using such a versatile tool, my piece situates a user in a compromising or hilarious environment, depending on the user’s own personal self-esteem and confidence. It pushes you to reflect and meditate on how you perceive yourself, and how you believe others do.
Though within peripheral vision, the user cannot directly look at the projected image of themselves, but they understand that they are now placed on exhibition for the rest of the room to view and judge. This scenario is not unlike daily life in a community, however is now painfully reinforced into a larger-than-life situation. Ambiguous laughter ensues from behind the user to exaggerate the experience even further. This situation evokes a myriad of reactions, all personal to the viewer. To me, the true art lies within audience’s visceral reaction.
Dj Magic Fingers
Electronic Instument
Promo Video for the project
Due to a terrible car accident, this project was never realized. However using IR lights and flex sensors attached to gloves, the idea was to create a simple DJ interface that once calibrated to a given space, could be used away from the computer. This would allow more interactive and stage presence with the DJ and the audience. Theoretically, once a user rehearses enough, they could "DJ" in mid air. (The holographic interface in front of the Obama DJ is just to assist with visualization.)
Below are videos of the programming, testing, and diagrams.
User testing
Glove diagrams and Possible user scenarios
Interactive Whiteboard
NUI Tool
Nintendo Wiimote & IR light
Using a Wiimote, a modified Crayola Magic Marker and an IR light, I created a quick and easy projected white board. Here's a demonstration with a simple stickfigure physics program.
NUI Tool
Later this project was moved into a wooden box I built, with an frosted acrylic sheet routed into the top for both IR lights to pass through and to catch a projector "screen". Once a finger or item was placed on the glass, it was refracted into the box where a playstation eye would read it and the user could interact with the screen. This was essentially a rudimentary touchscreen.